Hi!  My name is Samantha Hall.  Why do I foster? Why not?! I feel I have a social responsibility to do so. There are far too many animals out there that need our help, who didn’t ask to be brought into this world. The least I can do is give them a bit of a head start, by providing them with a “normal” home routine. Paws n Claws has been such an amazing organization to work with through out the years! (I don’t even remember how long I’ve been with them…6 years? Lol) They do this for all the right reasons, and their values align with mine. The best part… the kitties! We never have a dull moment around our home, endless entertainment, photos, and love. Yes, you do become attached to some. The ones you put the most work and care into, are for sure the hardest to let go. However, we allow our hearts to break a bit, so theirs may be full forever; in their furrever home.