My Name is Randi, I’m 37 years old. I’m a Mom, A Fur Mom & Foster Mom. I was Born and Raised in Yorkton and lived here pretty much my whole life. I’m Married to the most Amazing Man, we have been together for almost 16 years, Married for coming 11 this year. We have 2 children, a son and daughter, they are my world. (If you’ve been to adoption days you might have seen Dani…she likes to help out too) My husband… like I mentioned before is pretty amazing….When I mention new fosters he simply says…”How many and when do they come” I simply couldn’t do it without his support*
So, We Foster Kitties. Sometimes a lot of them, sometimes a few. (Well…..Usually a lot….who am I kidding…lol) But we like to help as much as we can. It breaks my heart when they might not be feed or have a warm place to sleep. And I LOVE kitties. I’ve had pets all my life, cats, dogs, fish (I’m not a very good fish Mom) Oh, I love animals. Especially cats. I’ve always been a Kitty person…They say Dog is a Man’s Best Friend….Well Cats are a Randi’s best friend. My house resembles a zoo….or maybe a circus because in it we are all a little crazy. But I wouldn’t change it for anything. There might be scratches on the furniture and fur on the floor. But no one is more loyal than a pet or multiple pets*
This is my “Why” when I Foster and Volunteer for Paws and Claws. I want to help these fur-babies in whatever way I can. If it’s giving them a temporary home, or helping at an adoption day, we help where we can. Oh, we fall in love with our fosters, and it’s not always easy to let them go. We cry. We tell ourselves “We let our hearts break a little so that theirs will never break again” And, when they find the right home, we cry some more…but its tears of joy. (We also as Foster Parents LOVE to see updated pictures) It’s also not all rainbows and sunshine though. We have scared kitties and sick kitties too. Scared kitties need extra work and love. And they take TIME and PATIENCE. You have to not be scared of them (Even though sometimes you kind of are) But they just need to trust you, and once you break that barrier….Oh they are the best ones. You can see just how grateful they are. And you are so proud of yourself. Especially when they get adopted. We have young and/or sick kitties too and some don’t make it. Then we cry again. It’s hard to tell yourself they were loved, warm and you did everything you could when you’ve been up every 2 hours with an alarm syringe feeding and checking on them. You are scared to death every time you open that door. These are the actual hard times! BUT when you have been up every 2 hours for days and they eat or go to the bathroom normally after days of not. It’s amazing….the most amazing feeling when you can help them because you care to help them. And they get better and then they get adopted….It truly is amazing.